create AD contacts, Bulk create AD contacts - Active Directory PowerShell
Create AD contacts, Bulk create AD contacts - Active Directory PowerShell
Create AD contact
To create a single AD contact, use the below powershell command.
New-ADObject -Type "Contact" -Name "Displayname" -DisplayName "Displayname" -Description "Description" -Path "OU=Contacts,DC=domain,DC=com" -OtherAttributes @{ sn="surname";givenName="firstname";mail="externalemailaddress";mailNickname="";targetAddress="SMTP:externalemailaddress";title="title";physicalDeliveryOfficeName="officelocation"}
Bulk create AD contacts
Create a csv file (contact_creation.csv) for the contacts with their external email address, user details description. The Column names as in the below snapshot . Open Active directory powershell as an administrator and run the below command to create contacts in bulk.
$users= Import-csv "contact_creation.csv"
foreach ($user in $users)
$extemail = $
$name = $
$given = $
$sur = $
$pass = $user.passw
$des = $user.descrip
$nick = $user.sama
$ti = $user.titl
$addr = $user.physical
New-ADObject -Type "Contact" -Name $name -DisplayName $name -Description $des -Path "OU=Contacts,DC=domain,DC=com" -OtherAttributes @{ sn=$sur;givenName=$given;mail=$extemail;mailNickname=$nick;targetAddress="SMTP:$extemail";title=$ti;physicalDeliveryOfficeName=$addr}
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