
Showing posts with the label clear mailbox dumpster folder

Clearing Exchange online mailbox purge, dumpster folder

Clearing mailbox purge folder What to do when you have a Exchange plan2 licensed user under litigation hold going over the maximum mailbox quota of 100GB. Try to find out the mailbox folder statistics, disable litigation and run the commands to clear the contents of purge folder. Connect to Exchange online powershell Get the user folder statistics Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity "" | Select name,Foldersize,itemsinFolder Enter any of the following command to clear the purge folder. 1) Set-Mailbox –identity -LitigationHoldEnabled $False Disables litigation hold set on the user mailbox 2) Set-Mailbox –identity -RetainDeletedItemsFor 1:00:00:00 Sets retain deleted items to 1 day 3) Set-mailbox –identity –RemoveDelayHoldApplied Removes the delay hold which is used to prevent accidental deletions, which may delay 4) Start-ManagedFolderA...