Remove mails from Exchange online user mailbox
Remove the emails from Exchange online user mailbox
When SPAM emails have been delivered to user mailbox, admin must remove
the emails from mailboxes by determining recipients of the spam email and deleting
them from recipient mailbox. Or in some instances confidential emails shared
internally to the wrong user/recipient. For a precaution, I would suggest you have
one shared mailbox to be created for such activities and save the deleted emails
to this shared mailbox.
- Connect to Exchange online powershell
- Run a trace for emails with
the below power shell command and the report will be exported into the CSV
Get-MessageTrace -SenderAddress "" -StartDate
“start date in mm/dd/yyyy” -enddate “end date in mm/dd/yyyy” -Pagesize 5000 |
Export-csv “output.csv"
- Filter the columns based on
the subject and copy the recipient field to another csv file which would
be the input for the future commands. Ensure the column name is set to “name”.
- Run a test batch with the
below powershell to identify the query result and the estimated number of
emails. The output of the estimates is saved to .txt file. Analyse the
output and adjust the query if required.
Import-csv “input.csv" | foreach {Search-Mailbox -Identity
$ -SearchQuery 'Subject:"Subject of the spam mail" AND
From:"”' -EstimateResultOnly} >> estimate.txt
- Execute the below command to
remove the mails from recipient mails and save them to the backup shared
Import-csv "input.csv" | foreach {Search-Mailbox
-Identity $ -SearchQuery 'Subject:"Subject of the spam mail"
AND From:"”'
-DeleteContent -Force -LogLevel Full -TargetMailbox ""
-TargetFolder "desired folder name"} >> outputfile.txt
This helped!! thanks Sasi.. It's a life saver.