
Showing posts with the label convert to equipment mailbox

Creating resource (room or resource) mailboxes on Office365 Exchange online hybrids

Creating resource (room or resource) mailboxes on Office365 Exchange online hybrids Create a AD object and then enable a remote mailbox from On-Prem Open Active Directory users and computers console.  Navigate to the desired OU (remember that the OU should be Synced to Office365) Right Click on the OU to create a New user. Complete the user details in the New Object dialog box and click on finish. Open exchange management powershell on the Hybrid servers and run the below command to enable a remote mailbox for the user. Enable-RemoteMailbox -Identity ""  -primarysmtpaddress "" -RemoteRoutingAddress "" Please add " smpt: " to proxyaddress list to avoid mail flow issues. Wait for the object to Sync We would be able to search for the user in Office365 Admin console once the sync is completed. We would be searching ...

Converting office365 exchange online mailbox to resource (room or equipment) mailbox

Converting office365 exchange online mailbox to resource (room, equipment) mailbox Conversion of the regular to resource (room or equipment) mailbox is done through Powershell. Please follow the below link and steps. Connect to Exchange online powershell Enter any of the following command to convert the mailbox to room.  Set-Mailbox -Identity "" -Type  room Set-Mailbox "" -Type  room Enter any of the following command to convert the mailbox to equipment.  Set-Mailbox -Identity "" -Type  equipment. Set-Mailbox "" -Type  equipment.